Met with Ewan, who is now our mentor, and specializes in the art side of things.
We discussed the aim of the project, and where we should be going from now onward.
First task should be to Storyboard use case and game interactions. This should be focused on achieving a 1st playable demo, in particular, a tutorial type level that introduces the game controls and mechanics, in a way suitable for the demo-or-die style testing.
From this we can compile a list of assets to be created, and mechanics to be developed. This can be used to update Pivotal in much more detail.
Storyboards -> 1st playable (white-boxed, placeholder assets) -> Final (polished assets)
For the final product, we should focus on creating high quality material, as opposed to stretching to create everything at a lower quality.
Reduce scope, not quality.
references to look at:
Art: World Machine, Pixlr.
courses: Escape Studios (art)