Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Gameplay implementation progress

Here's what I managed or didn't manage to do before the presentation tomorrow.

Improved game loop

I've spent unreasonable amount of time on it and it doesn't have any immediately visible effect but I've changed all my objects to now be updated in the main game loop which is the proper way of doing this. Previously the creation, update and destruction of objects would take place in various more or less random places.

What this achieves mainly is that I now have full control on where and how the objects are created and updated. For example I can now use postUpdate() method to render stuff on the screen, which is visible as it gets rendered after everything else. This way I've managed to implement player name and health being displayed above the character and also a simple mouse feedback animation. 

Improved code should also make a further development easier.


I've managed to setup multiplayer in the level! Upon joining the multiplayer game you'll now spawn randomly into one of the teams. It is also possible to spawn on the same team as the picture below illustrates one of the teammates being seriously threatened by the AI.

Two clients and a dedicated server running Campus: Deathmatch

Monday, 18 March 2013

map progress (to be updated as i go)

Ill add images of areas as I create them here:

Update 4:
bloody spawning pool? hwahaha to much? i think it looks like a cross between biomass, water, pebbles and body-part soup! (i think it works):

Update 3:
strafing-run across the city? (bombing in a line) i think this looks pretty good bearing in mind you'll see it a bit at a times:

Update 2:
bot-lane corner:

Update 1:
human spawn:
Road block (south east): were the army trying to... keep people in?!

He's hirpling!

So, after almost a week of trying to get my animation out of Maya I decided - f*** it. I spent all of last night and this morning following a 3DS Max tutorial and it worked first time. I now having a character the walks, and now that it's working I could easily make more - but I'm probably out of time (I'll make more anyway).

Unfortunately, I had to use the base mesh from Mudbox as Max had an issue with my clothes (they were locked to a single joint, and didn't bend with the rest of the body)... but we can just apply that algae texture and no-one will never know. ;)