Saturday, 16 February 2013

*steaming at the ears*

I've lost my zombie model three times now (well, all but the torso). I've repaired Maya just as many times, and I'll probably do a clean install today. Alternatively, the problem is with my model file and I'll have to start completely over. I'm so frustrated!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

A destroyed campus, in 2D and 3D! maya progress and concept art

Title says it all really, I took a shot at using my lack-lustre Photoshop skills to add some rubble to the uni and attempt to eradicate most things green/alive:
Additionally, I've been hitting my head against a (metaphoric) brick wall all week trying to get cry-exporter to agree with first Maya, then with my models...
I've managed to get a test object into CryEngine with collision working (finally), but no texture (probably because I haven't made one except the default lambert grey yet)
The final whitebox of the map (edges bordered off) is looking something like:
The reservior is a possible spawn (zombies?)
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