Friday, 8 February 2013

CE3 Entities 101

Here's some information you may all find useful.

It looks like an awful lot of stuff is happening in Lua scripts rather then in the C++ code. This includes spawning of objects and loading meshes for instance. I guess it's a good thing since scripters can change many of the game parameters without changing the code.

File Structure

Every entity is basically split between two files: .ent file in Game/Entities/... and .lua file in Game/Scripts. Generally the Game folder is where you want to be looking for pretty much anything assets related. The files are stored in .pak archives which can be uncompressed with a 7-zip or WinRAR like any regular archive. I'd recommend uncompressing these archives and having a look around. Also extracted files take priority over those in the archives so you don't have to put modified files back into .pak files.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

CryEngine 3.4.4

A new version of CryEngine SDK has been released together with an updated demo level and some new assets.


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

05/02/13 progress meeting

From last week:

  • managed to achieve creating all of the white-box assets, but did not get them into the engine as planned
  • new pivotal is up and running and will be completed with the next phase of tasks soon
This week's goals:
  • fill out the rest of pivotal
  • get all white-boxed assets into cry engine
  • concept art for the map (greg) and characters/units (tom)
  • create draft designs for the UI (jayden/group input)
  • Code the camera into the engine + work on click to move (jan)
  • sounds like we're on the right path, but time seems tight
  • definitely need to set milestones for when each phase of preproduction/production should be completed
  • looked at learning outcomes somewhat

Monday, 4 February 2013

Tom's Progress Update

Champion Creation

The basic champion template that I am working toward draws similarities to weapon system on Guild Wars 2 (more so than any MOBA, anyway). Each champion will feature a primary attack (or spell, or ability) that functions as a basic/auto-attack, and abilities. The primary attack with respect to League of Legends would be a champions "innate" ability - but thematically tied to the champion's weapon. The decision to use this layout over the League's is for a number of reasons.
  1. Engine: CryEngine typically supports shooters, and so "basic attacks" should feel comparable to a shooter. In particular, aiming. While League of Legends supports a "basic attack" that cannot miss (except in specific cases), in a shooter-engine, every attack should have to be aimed. 
  2. Theme: Hordes is placed in a real-world setting (albeit the aftermath of an apocalypse). There is no magic, bows and swords (mostly). In League of Legends there is very little difference between a champion's basic attacks beyond range - and as a theme, I dislike this. A shotgun should feel like a shotgun; an uprooted stop sign should feel like a make-shift mace; a set of talons should feel like knives.
The simplest example would be to compare a shotgun to an assault rifle: