It looks like an awful lot of stuff is happening in Lua scripts rather then in the C++ code. This includes spawning of objects and loading meshes for instance. I guess it's a good thing since scripters can change many of the game parameters without changing the code.
File Structure
Modifying Entity Parameters
Player = { AnimationGraph = "HumanMaleFullBody.xml", UpperBodyGraph = "HumanMaleUpperBody.xml", type = "Player", foreignCollisionDamageMult = 0.1, vehicleCollisionDamageMult = 7.5, Properties = { -- AI-related properties soclasses_SmartObjectClass = "Player", groupid = 0, esFaction = "Players", commrange = 40; -- Luciano - added to use SIGNALFILTER_GROUPONLY -- AI-related properties over voiceType = "player", aicharacter_character = "Player", Perception = { --how visible am I camoScale = 1, --movement related parameters velBase = 1, velScale = .03, --ranges sightrange = 50, } , -- fileModel = "Objects/characters/SDK_player/SDK_Player.cdf", clientFileModel = "Objects/characters/SDK_player/SDK_Player.cdf", fpItemHandsModel = "Objects/Weapons/Agent_fp/Agent_fp_Global.chr", objFrozenModel= "Objects/characters/SDK_player/SDK_Player.cdf",
So you can replace the player model simply by editing parts of this script.
For the minions I think we can use Grunt entity with some modifications which is going to be much easier then creating a new one from scratch. The relevant file is under Game/Scripts/entities/ai/grunt_x.lua.
If you wish to create new entity (for example something to put on the map) simply create a new .ent (i.e. Game/Entities/MyEntity.ent) file which contains only this line:
For the minions I think we can use Grunt entity with some modifications which is going to be much easier then creating a new one from scratch. The relevant file is under Game/Scripts/entities/ai/grunt_x.lua.
Adding New Entities
<Entity Name="MyEnity" Script="Scripts/Entities/Others/MyEnity.lua" />
And a corresponding .lua file which implements the following methods:
-- Class MyEnity MyEntity = { Editor = { Icon = "MyIcon.bmp" -- icon for the editor (stock icons are under Editor/ObjectIcons) }, Properties = { object_3DModel = "path/to/MyModel.cgf", }, } function MyEntity:OnInit() self:OnReset() end function MyEntity:OnReset() --this will set the selected 3D Model on the entity if (self.Properties.object_MyModel ~= "") then self:LoadObject(0, self.Properties.object_3DModel); end end
Now if you open the editor you'll be able to place your entity on the map from the Entities/Others menu.
How to add Read More option?
ReplyDeleteIn the editor, it looks like a page being ripped in half.