Asset related tasks:
Human Player Character Model
- White-boxed
- Modelled
- Finished - Textured
- Animations
- Movement
- Shooting/attack
- Level up effect
- Death
- Respawn
- Port to CryEngine
Zombie Player Character Model
- White-Boxed
- Modelled
- Finished - Textured
- Animations
- Movement
- Shooting/attack
- Level up effect
- Death
- Respawn
- Port to CryEngine
Minion Model
- White-boxed
- Modelled
- Finished - Textured
- Animations
- Movement
- Attack
- Death
- Respawn
- Port to CryEngine
Human Abilities
- Decide on final set of 4 skills to be created and brief each in the format:
- Skill name
- Skill Icon
- Aiming template (where necessary)
- Level up skill icon ('+' in a box)
- Projectile/skill effect
- Modelled
- Textured
- Particle effects
- Lighting effects
Zombie Abilities
- Decide on final set of 4 skills to be created and brief each in the format:
- Skill name
- Skill Icon
- Aiming template (where necessary)
- Level up skill icon ('+' in a box)
- Projectile/skill effect
- Modelled
- Textured
- Particle effects
- Lighting effects
Ease of use: in-game Indicators
- Decide on a font for all written content
- Movement indicator to show upon left click
- Laser guide for target ranged weapons
- Templates for ability targeting
- Hit-splats for attack damage
- Hit-splats for ability damage
Information 'Toasts' (kill messages)
- Background/box for message at side of screen - translucent
- Player name text
- Character icons
- attack type icons (character specific right-click attack weapon)
- Fade in / fade out
Visual effects
- Hit effects i.e. on hit blood splatters or recoil sparks of a bullet off a wall
In-game UI
- User interface border/background
- Draft
- Final textured
- Animated (where necessary)
- Ported into CryEngine
- Experience bar
- Draft
- Final Textured
- Animation for increase of experience
- Animation for Level-up
- Ported to CryEngine
- Ability icons
- Draft
- Cooldown indication (number countdown and greyed out area)
- Assigned Hotkey visible
- Final
- Final icon in place
- Cooldown animation
- Glow animation for when ready to use again
- Ported to CryEngine
- Health Bar
- Draft
- Final Textured
- Animated for life loss/gain
- Ported to CryEngine
- Mana/Energy Bar
- Draft
- Final Textured
- Animated for Mana/Energy loss/gain
- Ported to CryEngine
- Skill improvement
- Increase skill rank icon
- animation for fade in / out (slide up from the skill icons?)
- Minimap
- Player icon
- Minion Icon
- Terrain map simplified
- own base / enemy base objective marker
Death screen
- Death screen translucent overlay for entire view pane
- Respawn countdown timer
Personal score board
- background for bar in the top left of the screen
- kill and death numbers displayed
- kill death icons
The Map
- Decide final map layout and boundaries
- Terrain layout in CryEngine
- Assets imported and placed as per map design
- Compile a list of all building to be created
- Compile a list of all non-building terrain pieces (i.e. rubble piles, buses and cars etc.)
- White box for every asset as a priority - 1st playable with all content imported to CryEngine
- Each assets to be listed within this plan in the following format:
- Asset Name i.e. Babbage building
- White-box (to be completed first)
- Modelled (complete shape but not textured, imported for testing)
- Finished (Textured - to be decided on priority of each asset as will be beyond scope to complete everything)
- Addition effects and animations (i.e. ventilation fans, smoke)
Mechanic/coding related tasks:
Player Characters
- 3rd person top down camera
- Left click to move
- Issue movement command to character
- Display movement marker icon
- Player aims weapon towards mouse (with laser guide where relevant)
- Right click to attack
- Issue attack command
- Create projectile at loction (if ranged attack)
- Switch to attack animation
- Use hot-keys 1,2,3,4 or Q,W,E,R to select abilities to be used
- Highlight skill being used
- Set cooldown timer
- Minions should spawn in waves if a predetermined sized [5?]
- Minion waves should spawn at a set interval [x seconds] or when previous wave is dead
- Minion AI to follow a 'lane' towards enemy base
- Minion AI to attack enemy Minions and Players within a given range of their path
- Minions that have left their path should return to it once the distraction is dead or gone
- Minions should prioritise attacking enemy Players when they are too close
- Minions should prioritise attacking the enemy base once no enemy Minions are around
- Once an ability is selected it's aiming template should be visible
- Left click to use ability once selected
- Create projectile and related effects as skill is used
- collision/hit detection for skills
- When a player or minion is hit by an attack or ability a 'hit splat' should indicate the amount of damage dealt to that unit
Information 'Toasts' (kill messages)
- Upon a kill create new kill message
- Fill with correct information
- Killing player name
- Murdered player name
- Killing weapon or ability icon displayed
- Murdered player Icon displayed
Visual effects
- When a projectile collides with terrain the recoil / hit animation for that material should be displayed and the projectile removed
In-game UI
- User interface to be always on top of the scene (absolute foreground)
- Experience bar should be updated whenever a player kills a unit
- Ability icons should be changed when an ability is used to be on cooldown
- Ability icons should be able to be clicked at active that skill
- Ability ready animation should be played when the cooldown has refreshed
- Health Bar should be updated with all damage changes
- Mana/Energy Bar should be updated with each use of an ability for the correct cost
- Skill improvement
- Increase skill rank icon should be clickable and should increase the rank of that skill
- Minimap
- Should give an accurate representation of where each other object is relative to the player
- Should be updated in real time with each movement command
- Should be updated when a character or minion dies
Death screen
- Should be displayed when a player's health reaches 0
- Should upon a player's death the respawn timer should be set to a determined interval [dependant on length of game and player level?]
- Should be removed when the cooldown reaches 0 and respawn animation played
Personal score board
- Should be updated whenever a player dies or scores the killing blow on a character
- Derive a mechanic to allocate kill-assists if more than one player helped to kill an enemy within a given time-frame
The Map
- Terrain should block path-finding of units and stop projectiles
- A height map should be agreed (to avoid issues with shooting from 3rd person - no Y axis aiming)
- A character should be able to move through and attack along each lane of the map unimpaired
- A character or minion should not be able to leave the map or become trapped within a terrain peice
Fog of War?
- Implement a range of sight on the map
- allowed team shared sight on the minimap
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