Monday, 15 April 2013

Individual contribution: Tom Rosbotham

Within the team, my work efforts were split between two sectors: character modelling and graphic design.

My main contributions were as follows:

  1. I got the ball rolling for our company's image by naming and designing the company logo.
  2. I proposed and drafted the initial design for using the university campus as the game's map, which was then passed onto Greg for development.
  3. I designed the corporate website, which was then passed onto Jayden for production.
  4. I modeled and animated a ghoulish character, and imported it into CryEngine.
  5. I scraped together the final pitch at the eleventh hour when it became apparent all other groups had prepared slides.

I was also in charge of managing the Abhuman blog, which I set-up and customized.

Individual contribution: Jan Holownia

My role within the team can be described as a game designer and programmer. I have also worked on some publicity and level editing. Most of my contribution has already been described in blog posts. Below is a short summary, together with links to relevant blog entries:

1. Worked with the team to agree on the game concept and basic gameplay elements.

2. Created some publicity for the project on CryDev website and a YouTube channel.

3. Designed and implemented first prototype of the level and gameplay mechanics.

4. Designed detailed gameplay mechanics and created a list of necessary programming tasks.

5. Research on CryEngine 3 SDK through documentation, active participation in CryDev forums and code debugging.

6. General organisation and management of collaborative work

8. Programming and Gameplay Implementation

Game Objectives and Explosions

As a kind of a final touch I've created a "Nexus" for each team, which should be destroyed by opposing team to achieve victory. The Nexus is a destroyable object with set amount of health which explodes once enough damage has been done to it. The AI characters will now go and attack the nexus after they went through the lane.

Humans' nexus model is a helicopter which brings reinforcements and supplies) which I chose mainly as it has its own on-hit decals and a destroyed model.

Zombies' nexus looks deceptively like a big rock but in reality it's a biological artifact which provides zombies with power.

The team which destroys the opposing team's nexus first wins which results in spectacular explosion as seen in the video below.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Individual contribution: Gregory Phillips

My roles for the project split my contribution into two sections,
Firstly, I was project manager, and led meetings/scrums following an agile development recording progress and delegating tasks via Pivotal Tracker:

We added a large number of tasks to the icebox, planning out potential goals, but many were not reached as our velocity was lower than initially expected. This is largely due to issues with using CryEngine, and the learning curve associated with it.
As such many tasks listed remain unfinished.

Additionally I lead arranging meetings and managed correspondence with our project supervisor, Ewan Armstrong, and Dan.

My second role was creating the map, or 'static 3D assets', 'level design' or 'level development' type names fit the jobs I undertook.

This ranges from working with the team from a concept level to draft out the game concept, and more specifically the map layout.
From these concepts we decided that it would be both interesting and beneficial to base the level around the university campus. This gave us unlimited access to the actual environment, and allowed us to get many reference materials easily, as well as being a suitably sized and shaped area of urban terrain.

From this I made some concept art piecing together a satellite image of the campus (Google maps) and pictures of rubble etc.

Based on advice from Ewan, the first phase of map development was to 'white-box' (create a simple mock model of) the entire area as quickly as possible in order to test game-play  This was my first experience using 3D modelling software, but I learnt the necessary skills to create basic models. The largest issue was with the exporter for putting models into CryEngine being buggy, and very poorly documented, and this ate a lot more time than it should have.
From here,its became clear the the amount of work to model the entire map to a fidelity that matches the detail of CryEngine assets would not be feasible in the time for development that we had. Instead, I would develop a few key buildings in the most important areas to represent how the game would look once completed, given a larger development period. In order to create these buildings I learnt a new set of skills, in 3D modelling with Maya 2013.
All models are in the submission folder as Maya binaries (.mb files).

Once the models were complete, to improve the overall quality of the map, the models were merged with existing assets from CryEngine and Crysis3, to give an edge of professional quality art. The models were not textured due to not having time to learn the skills required to texture as well as model. Instead, a smooth single colour was applied to give a clean cut prototype appearance.


The complete map has been incorporated into the final game files, and can be best explored within the cry-engine editor, note that some layers can be hidden (if things disappear).

As well as working through the map development process, I documented the development of the game play concepts that were agreed between the group. This was recorded in the form of story boards:



Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Gameplay implementation progress

Here's what I managed or didn't manage to do before the presentation tomorrow.

Improved game loop

I've spent unreasonable amount of time on it and it doesn't have any immediately visible effect but I've changed all my objects to now be updated in the main game loop which is the proper way of doing this. Previously the creation, update and destruction of objects would take place in various more or less random places.

What this achieves mainly is that I now have full control on where and how the objects are created and updated. For example I can now use postUpdate() method to render stuff on the screen, which is visible as it gets rendered after everything else. This way I've managed to implement player name and health being displayed above the character and also a simple mouse feedback animation. 

Improved code should also make a further development easier.


I've managed to setup multiplayer in the level! Upon joining the multiplayer game you'll now spawn randomly into one of the teams. It is also possible to spawn on the same team as the picture below illustrates one of the teammates being seriously threatened by the AI.

Two clients and a dedicated server running Campus: Deathmatch

Monday, 18 March 2013

map progress (to be updated as i go)

Ill add images of areas as I create them here:

Update 4:
bloody spawning pool? hwahaha to much? i think it looks like a cross between biomass, water, pebbles and body-part soup! (i think it works):

Update 3:
strafing-run across the city? (bombing in a line) i think this looks pretty good bearing in mind you'll see it a bit at a times:

Update 2:
bot-lane corner:

Update 1:
human spawn:
Road block (south east): were the army trying to... keep people in?!

He's hirpling!

So, after almost a week of trying to get my animation out of Maya I decided - f*** it. I spent all of last night and this morning following a 3DS Max tutorial and it worked first time. I now having a character the walks, and now that it's working I could easily make more - but I'm probably out of time (I'll make more anyway).

Unfortunately, I had to use the base mesh from Mudbox as Max had an issue with my clothes (they were locked to a single joint, and didn't bend with the rest of the body)... but we can just apply that algae texture and no-one will never know. ;)